This year, for me and most of people in their late 20s, the word "marriage" has topped the chart of being the most discussed topic. For instance, every time Suri meets her friends, 80% of the chattering is all about marriage preparations, all the excitements and choosing vendors, and not to mention, lack of budget including the stress !!!!. It's like a never ending topic until you get married yourself (I'm really looking forward into it!). Then, on the 2nd place on the chart, I believe the word "babies" has become another big hit to be discussed.
The main focus --> toys !!!!!
I'm very very happy to see two of my best friends have just added new family members. For Davin and Indah, congrats for the new baby born, little Richie. It was a surprise news for me, especially when Davin gave me the message, since we didn't expect it for at least another 3 weeks or so. Nevertheless, we're happy for them, and we've been sharing a lot about the pregnancy, all the preparations and the anxiety. We haven't meet them again since we visited them at the hospital, and yes, we're looking forward to hangout with the little one! Hopefully when you're big enough, we can have Botak Jones or playing Wii together!!!
Now, onto the next one, Rexton. It was only last year, in December to be precise, when I became one of the best men for Andre+Tessa's wedding. Fast forward 10 months later, we got Rexton already! Man, they don't waste any time, I presume. Rex, you should be grateful to have a wonderful parents (also worth mentioning, crazy and silly ones). I'm sure you'll have fun hanging out with them and their friends (me included). The picture of him wearing white-blue stripes shirt and holding a teddy bear was beyond words. He's just so damn cute! I ask Andre, if his face looks like her mum, and the nose are definitely yours, what kind of guy will he be later on? A simple answer from a crazy guy, "He's gonna be like me, for, wise, and grown-up". Ergh, you can be the judge on that one, I guess?
It's gonna be Christmas soon, and I'm sure it's gonna be a memorable one for these two couples with their lovely ones. Happy for all of you. Welcome to the club, Richie + Rexton !!! This is gonna get bigger and bigger. Yes, I'm anxious also to have one myself, but still, we have to follow the procedures, right??? I'm saving it for 2011, so maybe on that year, I hope these guys will be in the process on making the 2nd one =)
PS: Cool, Wise, Grown-Up...c'mon Dre, really????
Me cool, wise and grown-up... Of course CEL, it is the ultimate absolute unquestionable truth.
Thanks for this blog about Richie and Rexton. It is beautiful and I like it!!
Why do I become mellow like this?? Probably it's just the paternal hormon...
Andre "A Proud Daddy"
Wow, didn't expect a very nice write-up. Thanks Cel, indeed time flies and you'll have one in no time hehe..
I still remember the days preparing for marriage and baby is the last thing to expect haha.. I was still 24yrs old then (gosh, not even 1/4 century and yet dare to get married, kacau =p), got no money lah yauu to think about baby hueuhehue..
Now, Richie is here and it's true enough that 'somebody up there' really transforms me on the way I think, expect, and live.. Not to mention, he also provides all the supports, resources, etc..
Anyway to cut the mellow story short, only have one thing to say: Enjoy every moment in any stage of life you are in..
Have a nice weekend!
PS: kapan mau berjumpa dgn bung richie hahaha...
@Andre...okay, mr. cool-wise-grown up...thanks for reading the blog also....Yeah, why mellow? it's just not in ur blood..hahaha..., nice always good in words, I must say..(bocornya jga termasuk)....yeah, it always stresses me out kalo mikirin duitnya...tapi suri selalu bilang, kalo orang mo merit ama punya baby, yg 'di atas' selalu kasi rejeki gak ada abis2nya...praise HIM!!! ntar pas suri balik kita ngumpul lg yeeee....
alo vin, kapan ni mau kenalin Richie sama Rexton? sama tu kaya gua kayanya pas mo married ga pikirin gimana mo biayain istri apalagi biayain anak.. haha
dan si suri bener tu cel, kayanya abis married rejeki datang dari mana2, pas punya anak tambah lagi rejeki...
halo cel, Richie jg punya blog lho hehe...biar bisa updated perkembangannya
wah gua baru liat ternyata ada comment2 lagi hehe..
hehe iya ndre kapan ya kita ktemuin si Richie sama Rexton.. totally agree with your phrase "abis married rejeki datang dari mana2, pas punya anak tambah lagi rejeki"...
so, cel cepet bikin yah once official *inga2, yg ini ga bole pre-order lho hahahaa jk =p*
oh iya, terus nanti kasi nama pake R juga hahaa..
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
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