Animation doesn't have to be a full 3D computerized movie after all, old school traditional ones (stop-motion technique) often produce a better final product. In this case, some examples such as Nightmare Before Christmas, Wallace & Gromit, and lastly Coraline have just put the animation standard not just to enhance your visual, but also the story and family value. And Fantastic Mr. Fox just shows us a perfect example and brings message to all non-Pixar studios, that their movies look kinda dull.
Fantastic Mr. Fox, directed by Wes Anderson, is based on children story by the same name, created by Roald Dahl, the same guy who brought us Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The good thing, this movie is not only perfect for kids, but also for adults and older audiences, which makes this one a perfect family movie. The story is focusing on Mr. Fox himself, voice-casted perfectly by George Clooney, who has just started to live a stable and normal life with Mrs. Fox (Meryl Streep) and his son, Ash (Jason Schwartzman), since as we all know what a fox usually do, right? Mr. Fox made a promise to Mrs. Fox on the day they were trapped together, that he would give up stealing chickens and turkeys if they managed to escape. Fast forward 2 years human time (that's about 12 years of fox), it seems that old habits just don't die, do they? Apart from buying a new tree for their house instead living in a hole, Mr. Fox is planning to do a final heist with his pal, to steal from 3 farms where each of them is owned by different psychotic owner. But then, things don't run smoothly after all, since his actions has brought catastrophic consequences not just for his family, but also other animals.
From the opening scene, Fantastic Mr. Fox has just delivered its colorful yet gorgeous rural scenic of the farm, with trees and the river. And after a short while, we've been introduced with the main cast, and it didn't take long for us to start smiling and laughing with their attitudes. The visual is just perfect, the stop motion was nicely crafted, and suddenly this old-school animation just brings you new experience with rich details and plenty of unique characters. The story is pretty straight forward, no headache, but it's not childish nor cheesy, most of the issues happen in the real life. You kids can just bring your mum and dad to enjoy this one, without have to worry they will fall asleep along the way. Although it is aimed for kids, I guess this is one of the most adult theme for an animation movie (apart from Coraline though). Nevertheless, watching this is pure delight!
George Clooney is a perfect cast for Mr. Fox. It seems like this character is Clooney himself, blended perfectly to bring Mr. Fox into life. All the jokes and charisma is there, and you always feel his optimism in every problems he faces. On the other hand, Bill Murray is also really funny as Badger, and his funny debate with Mr. Fox is hilarious as hell. Man, they should work together again some time, the chemistry is there alright. Meryl Streep, as always, never disappoint you, and Schwartzman played Ash really well as easily moody-jealous son. For the rest, we are entertained with the stars like Michael Gambon, Owen Wilson, and Willem Dafoe. Overall, it's a perfect ensemble cast.
I must say, I was quite skeptical to see this flick, but it pays well in the end, way above my expectation. In a away, it's a smartly paced adaptation, perhaps Mr. Fox is appealing ever more to an older audience and a younger one. I felt like, I don't want to watch the movie, instead I want climb inside and play.
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