When my girlfriend gave me the surprise birthday cake, it was just...shocking !!! Don't get me wrong, the cake looked tasty and yellow (believe me, it was damn good), it was the candles which said 27...Damn, I am fuckin' 27 years old !!! Well, I still feel like 4 years older, and when I look around the people whose age is 27, I'll be damned, they all look mature enough, and some of them even have their own car, or even working in much higher and higher position than me. Next year, I'll be 28, and getting married. Geezzzz...I still kinda feeling that yesterday was the first day I entered architecture school. Time really flies so fast, it just won't wait for you until you realize that it is already in the past. Oh well, enough on the melancholy, let's just talk the fun stuff.
First thing first, I lost my count to determine how many people wished me a happy birthday, either from Facebook, SMS, or phone calls. It was just outstanding how the recent technology makes you feel closer with your friends and relatives. When I opened up my Facebook, my wall was just full of the wishes, and as my gratitude, and I replied each of it personally. I guess this is my birthday with the most wishes received. Thanks to all the people who wrote me you wishes, God Bless you all.
So, what did I do on my birthday? In the afternoon, I attended my best friend's wedding matrimony. For Steven and Stefany, aka Gepenk and Tetep, wishing you both all the best.
So, what's next?
Well, nothing can make you feel so good and happier than ever on your birthday than hanging out with your best friends. On the weekend, I managed to gather my high school friends, and we had dinner at Pasta de Waraku, and we just couldn't stop chatting on everything. Seems like the 4 hours meeting just wasn't enough. I really have to give a special thanks for Suri, Icil, Erick, Edo, and Monic since they made my birthday more meaningful. It was such a pleasant moment, where I really appreciate the friendship which we have built for all these years. I don't know about you guys, but I always feel that they are one of the best gift you can ever get on every birthday. It's been like what, 10 years since all of us met for the first time? Too bad, there's only a few of us, since the rest are residing on other continents. I'm looking forward to have the big reunion on my wedding next year, let's hope they can make it.
So, happy 27th birthday for me, it's time to look at the mirror, and reflect this past 27 years. Has it been good? Have I done enough to fulfill all my hopes and dreams? Have I seized every day? Have I live my life to the fullest? Have I grown up to be a better man? To hard to tell since I don't have something to benchmark with. But, as far as I know, I think I'm walking on the right track, but still I need to work harder and to experience many things, and I still need to learn...A LOT. Maybe, I need to look my self 5 years from now, what kind of picture will I get?
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