Oh well, here comes the supposedly should have been the biggest summer blockbuster of the 2009. Michael Bay with the robots are back, and they deliver a non-stop action sequences along with giant robots wrestle altogether, and I bet chicks hate that !!!
In short, based on my subjective judgement, this movie was not as good as I expected. Perhaps my expectation was to high? I think my biggest dissapoinment was that TF2 will be the "Dark Knight" of 2009...too bad Michael Bay sits as the director...guess my expectation from him to deliver a big movie with quality scenario...was way TOO HIGH !!! I grow up with Michael Bay, and worship some of his action movies (THE ROCK was his best one, BAD BOYS came in 2nd). He has been successfully satisfied the audiences with the big bang scenes in each film, while on the other department (quote: STORY) has been become more and more mindless.
I my opinion, to enjoy a movie, whether it is a big budget, indie, romance, action, etc...it should have good plot which I can enjoy following it through. Now, TF2 not just have a terrible script, but also too many holes in the plot (I believe you can google them for more details). The first TF was good, I like it, and enjoy watching it all over again. Perhaps the first has the element of 'surprise', since we were dead curious to see how the robots could make into the big screen in Bay's hands. Now, when the 2nd was made, I assume Bay only has 1 thing in mind....let's make this BIGGER, which comes to my conclusion where TF2 is not just BIG, but also TOO LONG, and TOO MUCH.
The college scenes should have been cut down, Sam's mum was just terribly annoying (this also goes to his roommate), too many Decepticons (I dun even get all their names), terrible plots (travelling around Egypt become so 'easy', the Allspark on Mikaela's bag was pretty damn useless, the military were damn stupid, and suddenly Bumblebee couldn't speak again?), Autobots heaven, etc etc...
And also, Megan Fox...oh my oh my, this foxy was primarily used only for showing cleavage and wearing tight clothes with jeans (her memorable quotes: SAAAMMMMMMM). This girl was underused in the story line, and overused in exposing his...ups...her sensuality (I still need to clarify this boy or girl thing).
Action scenes, robots transforming, everyone are hitting and shooting each other, Optimus became so powerful, added with 2 blades in his hands, Bumblebee was also get more fighting scenes, you got destruction everywhere, and all of these things has made me thinking, how the the hell they do it? Yeah, maybe they deserve to get an Oscar for Visual Effects. I was thrilled and enjoyed most of the action scenes, it's like your childhood dream comes to life (yeah, I grew up where all the kids movies related to giants robots).
Useless, but still damn hot!
From all the utterly useless human cast, I gave thumbs up for Shia Lebouf. I think his performance was the best among the other cast, and much better than his Indy son's character. While the Tyerese Gibson and Josh Duhamel should have been given larger role. I'm glad John Turturro was less irritating, but he's still annoying though.
My Rating : 6.5/10
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