2 things...
1st...can't believe I haven't updated my blog since November...crap, that was like about 3 months?
2nd...can't believe for the first time, I'm not receiving angpao...there goes my additional CNY income.
Thus, I'm fixing the 1st issue with this update. 2nd, well gotta grow up, dude. It's time to 'pay it forward' a.k.a giving angpaos to kids and ur relatives. Hmm, kinda being a prick, I guess that's one of many reasons why we decided not to go back to Jakarta this year (other reason: costly airplane ticket). I promise I'll make it up for next year CNY.
So, what's gonna be our plan in the deserted Singapore on CNY? For me, updating blog is a must, there has been tons of good movies which I haven't written any single review out of them. Other thing must be finishing some games (I just cleared up Metroid: Other M, felt so good). I was thinking re-playing Dragon Age, Batman Arkham Asylum, and Mass Effect 2, but then again, will it be just another waste of time?
I guess Suri's gonna spend her time better than me, since she will try lots of new cupcake design, new cooking recipes, or playing around with her new sewing machine. Gosh, why does she has so many new 'toys'? I gotta ask something from her when she gets her first commission payment (I rephrase, she MUST buy me something!)
Okay, happy CNY everyone!!!